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KUNC Presents: 6th Annual Rootsfest Benefiting Swallow Hill

Swallow Hill Music

Tickets just went on sale Friday for Rootsfest w/ Patty Griffin, Todd Snider and Lake Street Dive. The annual celebration of Roots music is December 8th, all in benefit of Swallow Hill Music.

Station favorite, Lake Street Dive will get the evening started. On tour in support of their EP Fun Machine, including a performance on Saturday's A Prairie Home Companion (9/22), Lake Street Dive is having more fun than a band probably deserves. This cover of "Second Hand News" is proof positive of that.


Todd Snider has two out right now, a collection of Jerry Jeff Walker tunes (whom he credits for his turn now as a "stoner folk-troubadour") and Agnostic Hymn & Stoner Tales. Both appropriately on Aimless Records. Always quick with a turn of the phrase or other witty cut, Snider is the consummate folk storyteller. Songs like "Tension" or "Can't Complain" show it all off, laughs and all.  Todd's appearance at Rootsfest will be a solo - always a treat.


Patty Griffin is the Rootsfest headliner and she's been out on tour working solo and acoustic as well. December 8th at the Paramount will the be the final show in that swing on the road to "step on stage with just her guitar to present new songs".

Tickets are available now through TicketHorse, you can learn more about Rootsfest and the work of Swallow Hill Music online. We'll see you at the show.

I’m not a Colorado native (did you know that "I'm from Missouri" means "I'm skeptical of the matter and not easily convinced?") but I have lived here for most of my life and couldn't imagine leaving. After graduating from Colorado State University, I did what everyone wants to do; I moved to the mountains and skied, hiked, and hid from responsibility! Our listeners in the mountains may know me from my time in Steamboat Springs and Vail or as the voice of the Battle Mountain Huskies Hockey team in Vail.
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