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It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's Hello Kitty


Well, for kids and parents listening to our show today, let's leave you with a little good food for thought. Our last word in business is: Hello Kitty. That's what some lucky travelers in Asia might be saying if they board an airplane decorated, inside and out, with the famous Japanese character.

Taiwanese carrier EVA Airways has partnered with Sanrio, the parent company of Hello Kitty, to design a small fleet of Hello Kitty-themed planes. In addition to the giant Hello Kitties on the outside of the plane, her face appears on everything from seat back protectors and soap dispensers to the fruits and vegetables that are served with adorably designed air plane food.

And that wraps up the business news from MORNING EDITION, on NPR News. I'm David Greene. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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