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Strange News

  • No joke: A guy dressed in a clown suit kept running in and out of traffic in Milwaukee. He resisted a police officer's attempt to make him stop. That's when a fistfight/wrestling match began. And it was all recorded by a guy with a camera phone. Fortunately, no one was hurt.
  • A driver delivering for a Chinese restaurant left his car running while he ran in an order. He comes back and his car is gone. He called his boss who called the next customer on the route to apologize --- but they had their take out. The car thief made a few extra bucks. But at the next house, the cops were waiting.
  • The mild-mannered reporter apparently decided to show a little steel after being scolded one time too many by editor-in-chief Perry White. After seven decades on the news desk, he rails against the newspaper's new emphasis on entertainment and scandals.
  • Mitzi Bolanos said she's Hispanic and never felt discriminated against — until she started walking around with her pit bull. Bolanos wants to fight dog discrimination and opposes widespread bans on the notorious terriers. She's in the first class of students at the Lewis and Clark Law School Center for Animal Law Studies.
  • Scientists this week published a study of a captive beluga whale in San Diego. The whale began to sing, apparently after spending time close to people. It died several years ago, but left behind a recording that sounds like a person in the shower.
  • Why walk across a bridge when you can bounce across it? That's what one architecture firm had in mind with its concept for a new bridge in Paris. It looks like a puffy white snake that would cross the River Seine. Pedestrians would bound across the famed river on three giant inflatable trampolines.
  • A Los Angeles real estate agent clearing out the house of a man who died found tens of thousands of maps, stuffed in cabinets and closets, even inside a stereo. One was from 1592, the L.A. Times reports. The collection of the late John Feathers has now been donated to the L.A. Central Library — more maps than the library collected in 100 years.
  • Theme weddings are nothing new, but the nuptials of Jossie Sockertopp and Sonnie Gustavsson were out of this world. The two were married in a Klingon ceremony at a Star Trek convention in London. The bride and groom wore prosthetic foreheads and wigs, to look like the aliens from the series.
  • Weekend Edition host Scott Simon talks with logger Pete Brown about his recent encounter with a moose and how his escape strategy could save your life, too.
  • A man in Japan wanted to make it into the Guinness book of world records. He considered trying to drink the most hot sauce, but settled on a spikier record. His hairdo — a mohawk — stands 3 feet, 8.6 inches high.