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Your Letters: Juarez Protests; Paris Catacombs


Now, your reaction to last week's program.

NPR's John Burnett reported on a bi-national protest along the U.S.-Mexico border just west of El Paso. It was held because of the staggering number of deaths related to the Mexico drug cartel wars. In Ciudad Juarez, drug violence was blamed for 200 deaths last month.

Kathy Clark left this comment on our website, NPR.org: Heartbreaking story. I was in El Paso last week and was shocked to see the changes in my childhood hometown. And from John Sandesh: Widespread food shortages, joblessness, extreme poverty, oppression of the poor and historical government and judicial corruption - this is not only happening in Egypt, but is happening in Mexico too.

There were also plenty of postings about NPR's Jacki Lyden's report on the vast network of tunnels beneath the streets of Paris. The story was a collaboration between NPR News and National Geographic.

(Soundbite of champagne cork popping)

JACKI LYDEN: Nothing makes an underground tomb room more alive than a good bottle of bubbly.

We have to drink to something.

We drink to our leaders, but secretly, I am thinking of getting out of here intact.

HANSEN: Rob Rynski wrote: When we were attending the American School of Paris in the early '70s, a group of us used to sneak into the tunnels near a sink hole in one of the suburbs. What an adventure. I'm happy to see that the adventure is still on and much more sophisticated than our ragtag bushwhacking. I'd love to get back into the tunnels again.

Many of you are getting in touch with us via Facebook. Barbara L. Bornstein wrote: The depiction of the tunnels was so amazingly vivid, I had to stop listening after getting a massive case of the heebee-jeebees.

New York Times food writer Mark Bittman retired his column The Minimalist after over 13 years. Bittman told us that one of his favorite recipes was Stir-Fried Chicken with Ketchup.

Michelle McRuiz writes: By pure coincidence, the night before this story aired, I made the stir-fried chicken with ketchup. It was addictively good. I'll be making it again and again.

(Soundbite of song, "Old McDonald")

HANSEN: Finally, last week we talked with the manager and one of the original members of the South African a cappella singing group Ladysmith Black Mambazo about their new CD, "Songs from a Zulu Farm."

Maribeth Uhlenhopp writes: My children and I were driving to church when we listened to this story. I've never purchased any of their music, but the giggles and wiggles from the four children in the back of my minivan make this my next music purchase.

If you've got something to say about what we do, go to NPR.org and click on the Contact Us link. You can post a comment on Facebook and Twitter. You also can send me a tweet at NPR Liane - that's L-I-A-N-E.

(Soundbite of song, "Old McDonald")

HANSEN: This is NPR News. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.