The second annual Project Homeless Connect in Fort Collins will bring together various businesses and agencies and put them under one roof for a day.
On Friday, more than 40 of those businesses and agencies will offer everything from medical screenings and job training to pet screenings and bus passes. Project Homeless Connect is a national program, but events vary in size and frequency depending on the community.
There are about 229 homeless people living in Fort Collins, many more are likely near-homeless and in need of services. The main goal Of Project Homeless Connect is to help them obtain needed services. But there is a secondary goal too. Sponsoring agency, Homeward 2020, says that goal is to educate the broader community about the issues and needs of Fort Collins’ homeless population. About 150 Colorado State University students will be volunteering at the event. They will be paired one on one with homeless or near-homeless clients and will escort them to the different stations at the event. The event runs from 8:00 a.m. to noon at the Northside Aztlan Center.
Services include:
· Dental and medical screenings
· Eyes exams
· Haircuts
· Employment assistance
· Bus passes
· Youth services
· Homeless gear
· Bike repair
· Legal services
· Free breakfast and lunch
· Childcare during the event
More information can be found at: