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Agency Launches New Database, Highlighting Colorado Clear and Beetle-Killed Wood Products

U.S. Forest Service

The Colorado State Forest Serviceis launching a database to connect consumers with Colorado businesses using clear and beetle-killed wood. The searchable list contains about 130 businesses that sell furniture, traditional lumber and other products.

“This is a brand new concept for the State Forest Service and wood products businesses,” said Amanda Bucknam, education and outreach coordinator for the Colorado State Forest Service. “We haven’t seen anything in this sector like this. So we’re hoping continue to expand it.”

Later this summer, the Colorado State Forest Service plans host a two-day workshop for Colorado business owners who process and sell clear and beetle-killed wood.

There is no structural difference between beetle-killed wood and clear wood. However, pine that has been killed by beetles can have a unique blue color, or even streaks of red and orange.