NPR for Northern Colorado

Craft Beer Pours A Frosty Glass Of Economic Impact For 2012


The craft beer industry continues to be a large player in the U.S. economy. A new report released by the Brewers Association says ‘small and independent’ craft brewers injected $33.9 billion into the U.S. economy in 2012

Colorado may be considered the Napa Valley of beer, but it was the state of California that reaped the most economic impact, totaling $4.7 billion in gross impact in 2012. Not be left behind, Colorado rounded out the top five list with $1.6 billion in craft brewing impact.

These were the top five states in output for 2012:

  1. California: $4.7 billion
  2. Texas: $2.3 billion
  3. New York: $2.2 billion
  4. Pennsylvania: $2.0 billion
  5. Colorado: $1.6 billion

In a statement released Monday, Bart Watson, staff economist of the Brewers Association said craft breweries remain an economic force.
“As consumers continue to demand a wide range of high quality, full-flavored beers, small and independent craft brewers are meeting this growing demand with innovative offerings, creating high levels of economic value in the process,” Watson said.

Where ever you go, you’ll never be thirsty. The Brewers Association says in 2012 there were 2,347 craft breweries in operation across the country with 1,132 brew pubs, 1,118 micro breweries and 97 regional craft breweries.

That all adds up to sales of an estimated 13,235,917 barrels of beer, leading the craft brewing industry to grow 15 percent by volume in 2012 and 17 percent in retail dollars.  

Overall, the U.S. beer market increased a percent for 2012 over 2011, selling 200,028,520 barrels of beer. 

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