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Southwest Campus Prime Territory for Proposed CSU Stadium

If Colorado State University were to build a new stadium, the most promising location would be on the southwest side of campus. That’s according to initial findings from CSU’s Stadium Committee, which is currently exploring the feasibility of such a project.

Three proposed sites are close to the corner of West Lake Street, Meridian Avenue, and Pitkin Street, while a fourth site is slightly west. The fifth site is north of Pitkin Street near Mason Street.  Amy Parsons, vice president of university operations, stresses that additional facts are needed about the locations.

“It may change over time,” she says. “Hopefully we’ll be able to have more details about the sites, and I anticipate that we’ll be drilling down [for more specifics] as well.”

The Stadium Committee also reviewed public reaction so far to the project. According to an electronic survey completed by 9,863 alumni, donors, faculty & staff, and Fort Collins residents, 43 percent opposed the project, while 37 percent were in favor of it. The remainder needed more information to make a decision.

Tom Milligan, vice president of external relations at CSU, says there were patterns among those who responded to the survey. For example, respondents in Fort Collins who also lived close to campus were opposed to the idea. Denver respondents were more supportive of the idea.

“It’s early in the process, it’s still just a concept,” he says.

Milligan stressed the importance of doing more surveys as the public gains more information about the project.

More than 100 people—both for and against—came to the meeting at the Hilton in Fort Collins Thursday night, and many more watched the Stadium Committee meeting streaming via web. Those in favor of the idea have stressed the role it could play in raising more money for CSU—in addition to attracting more athletic talent. Those against the stadium raised concerns about costs, and the effect the project would have on things like traffic.

CSU President Tony Frank has asked the committee to make a recommendation by the end of the semester. The Stadium Committee’s next meeting is April 20.

To review the materials discussed at the Stadium Committee Meeting, click here.

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