Come celebrate the silver anniversary (25 years!) of the Annual KUNC Tuna Fish & Peanut Butter Concert, sponsored by Associates in Family Medicine. This year's show features Liz Barnez & Rebecca Folsom and is in benefit of the Weld Food Bank and Food Bank for Larimer County.
25 years ago, KUNC wanted to help our local food banks gather food that was high in protein, so the aptly titled, Tuna Fish and Peanut Butter Concert was launched. This year's show will be at the Hammond Amphitheater in Loveland, located at North Lake Park, 29th & Taft Ave.
Over the years, thousands of dollars and thousands of pounds of food have been collected to help feed families in our community. This year will be no different! Please join us in helping out your local community, through a cash donation or nonperishable food items. These are our most needed food items:
- Canned Meat or Tuna
- Canned Fruit
- Canned Soup/Stew
- Peanut Butter
- Fruit Juice
- Canned Vegetables
- Pasta/Mac & Cheese
- Rice
- Cereal
- Packaged Dried Beans
Everyday is a great day to help out our local food banks! Find a food bank near you and find out how you can help battle hunger in Colorado.
View Northern Colorado Food Bank locations in a larger map