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Obama Puts Veto Threat In Writing For Bill To Repeal Health Overhaul

As the Republican-controlled House prepares to begin debate Friday morning of a bill that would repeal health overhaul, the administration has thrown down the gauntlet.

Thursday night the Obama administration put out a four-paragraph statement against H.R. 2, aka "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act." You can skip to the last sentence, underlined so you won't miss it:

If the President were presented with H.R. 2, he would veto it.

Now, it's probably not going to come to a veto. Even if the House moves ahead with a test vote today and passes the measure as soon as next week, there's still a Democratic majority in the Senate to stop it.

Because we don't come across these every day, though, here's the statement in its entirety.

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Scott Hensley edits stories about health, biomedical research and pharmaceuticals for NPR's Science desk. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he has led the desk's reporting on the development of vaccines against the coronavirus.