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Top Stories: Funeral For Kim Jong Il, Syria Releases Some Prisoners

Good morning.

Our early headlines have ranged widely, subject-wise:

-- Weeping, Wailing And Imagery In Pyongyang For Kim Jong Il's Funeral.

-- Rev. Billy Graham Makes Top 10 'Most Admired' List For 55th Time.

-- Cheetah, One Of Tarzan's Chimpanzee Sidekicks, Has Died.

Other stories making headlines today include:

-- "Syria Frees 755 Prisoners Detained In Crackdown," Human Rights Watch Says Hundreds Have Been Hidden. ( The Associated Press)

-- "Iran Again Warns It Can Cut Off Strategic Oil Route" Through Strait Of Hormuz.( The Associated Press)

-- "Argentina President Christina Fernandez Has Cancer," It Is In Her Thyroid Gland But Has Not Spread. ( BBC News)

-- "Mubarak Trial Resumes In Cairo."( Al-Jazeera)

-- "Marshal: Hot Embers Sparked Fatal Fire" That Killed Five People In Connecticut. ( The Stamford Advocate)

-- Texas Man Who Dressed As Santa, Killed Six And Then Himself, "Described As Protective, Conservative." ( Colleyville Courier)

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Mark Memmott is NPR's supervising senior editor for Standards & Practices. In that role, he's a resource for NPR's journalists – helping them raise the right questions as they do their work and uphold the organization's standards.