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'Flo' Makes List Of 'Top 10 Female Ad Icons;' Who's Missing?

Ad Age just unveiled its " top 10 female ad icons of all time" list:

-- Morton Salt's 'umbrella girl"

-- Betty Crocker

-- Miss Chiquita

-- Rosie the Riveter

-- Josephine the Plumber (Comet cleanser)

-- Mrs. Olson (for Folgers coffee)

-- Madge the manicurist (Palmolive soap)

-- Rosie the waitress (Bounty paper towels)

-- Clara Peller (Wendy's "where's the beef?" lady)

-- Flo (for Progressive insurance)

Flo seems too new to have made the list, in our humble opinion. Especially since among those who didn't crack the top 10 are:

-- Little Debbie

-- Elsie the cow (Borden milk)

-- The Ivory soap baby (no, porn star Marilyn Chambers was never the baby, but Snopes.com says she was one of the "mothers" on the soapbox)

-- Aunt Jemima

-- Mrs. Butterworth

Who else is missing? Suggestions are welcome in the comments thread.

Update at 3 p.m. ET. Some Excellent Suggestions.

From the comments thread:

-- "Winfield Scott" offers eight.

1.) Mother Nature, played by Dena Dietrich on the Chiffon margarine commercials in the '70s and '80s... "It's not nice to fool mother nature!"

2.) The Coppertone Girl

3.) The Doublemint Twins

4.) The Gerber Baby (Drawn by Dorothy H. Smith of her neighbor's baby, Ann Turner.)

5.) Wendy (of Wendy's Hamburgers fame)

6.) The Sun Maid Raisin Girl

7.) "Sarah Tucker" for Cool Whip, played in the '60s by Marge Redmond

8.) The Sunbeam Bread Girl

-- Several readers mention the "Pine-Sol lady."

-- Several also reminded us about Land O'Lakes butter's Native American woman.

-- "Kathy Moberg" thinks the Sun-Maid raisin girl should be on the list.

-- "Art Aficionado" nominates the St. Pauli girl.

Keep checking the comments. We bet there will be more.

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Mark Memmott is NPR's supervising senior editor for Standards & Practices. In that role, he's a resource for NPR's journalists – helping them raise the right questions as they do their work and uphold the organization's standards.
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