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Gardner Says Congressional Recess Helpful

Congressman Cory Gardner.
Creative Commons
Congressman Cory Gardner.

Members of Congress are finishing up a two-week break from Washington and heading back to work. 4th District Congressman Cory Gardner (R) held three town hall meetings during his time off.

Some of the meetings held across the country have devolved into constituents shouting at lawmakers especially about a proposal to overhaul Medicare. Gardner says his meetings have helped clear up confusion.

“It’s been a great opportunity to get out and share with the American public the dire situation this country is in financially and a plan to actually change that direction.”

Democrats say the GOP’s plan to replace Medicare with vouchers will leave seniors without health care. Gardner says the plan will help control spending.

“What we’re seeing at least from my constituents really is echoed with what we’re seeing out of Washington DC is really this growing number of people who want to see spending reduction.”

Congress returns to Capitol Hill on Monday.

Capitol News Connection contributed to this report.

Email: brian.larson@kunc.org