NPR for Northern Colorado

Fort Collins Pot Ban Opponents Ahead in Fundraising

Infinite Wellness Center is one of about 20 medical marijuana dispensaries in Fort Collins. The group Concerned Fort Collins Citizens wants to ban storefronts that sell medical marijuana.
Grace Hood

Opponents of a Fort Collins ballot measure that would ban medical marijuana businesses in the city have raised nearly eight times more money than supporters of the ban.

The more than $108,000 raised by opponents of the measure on the Nov. 1 ballot tops the nearly $14,000 raised by the group that placed the proposed ban on the city ballot through a petition drive.

According to the Coloradoan, most of the money from opponents that was reported in campaign finance reports has come from medical marijuana dispensaries. Those in favor of the ban are concerned about community safety and youth drug abuse. But Fort Collins’ medical marijuana dispensaries question these claims, arguing that they’re strictly regulated, and pay city and state sales tax.

If approved, the 20 licensed marijuana businesses in the city would have 90 days to shut down.

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