Live coverage of President Obama’s State of the Union address starts at 7pm tonight. It will be followed by the Republican response and analysis by NPR News.
White House Senior Advisor David Plouffe was on Morning Edition today and spoke with Renee Montagne, giving a preview of the address tonight.
"The central challenge that we are facing right now is we came out of a steep recession, the worst since the Great Depression, and the American people want to know how are we going to continue to climb out of it," Plouffe said. "And that's what the president is going to lay out tonight: A very specific blueprint for how we build an America that's durable and that works for as many people in this country as possible."
CNN's Dan Lothian characterized the President's address as 'ambitious', but does note "Obama will reach for the stars during his State of the Union address Tuesday night. But in the end, reality will bring his plans back down to Earth." That sentiment is common after 2011 shaped up to be a very partisan year between the houses of Congress and the White House. Since 2012 is an election year, many are expecting the same gridlock, or even more.
While Colorado's Doug Lamborn will be skipping the speech, and Speaker of the House John Boehner has gone on the record saying the upcoming speech sounds like "the same old policies", there is a glimmer of bi-partisianship as over 100 members of Congress will be crossing party lines to sit with an opposition member.
Coverage of the State of the Union will be live online & on the radio starting tonight at 7pm. KUNC will carry the Republican Response, given this year by Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, and analysis from NPR News.