The President spoke before the United Nations General Assembly before later speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative.
Update 11:58 a.m. - Video is available of the President's remarks before the UN General Assembly.
There's more from Morning Edition on the President's remarks, Obama: No Video Justifies Attack on Embassy and the Two-Way has more on the President's speech at the Clinton Global Initiative, Obama Focuses on 'Outrage Of Human Trafficking'. There's also more on Mitt Romney's remarks at the Clinton Global Initiative.
Update 9:59 a.m. - The Two-Way has more on the remarks of the President at the UN, Obama: Chris Stevens And Those Like Him Must Determine World's Future.
Update 9:54 a.m. - The AP has posted a short clip of the President's remarks on the turmoil in the Middle East
Update 9:51 a.m. - PBS NewsHour has a running live blog on the addresses at the UN General Assembly. We'll try to post video of the President's remarks once they become available.
The speaking order for today's meeting is the opening speaker - the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, then the president of Brazil - Dilma Vana Rousseff, and then President Barak Obama.
The President is expected to speak around 8 a.m. MST (10 a.m. ET).