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Denver’s Women’s March Focuses On 2018 Midterm Elections

Standing in the crowds at Denver’s Civic Center Park on Jan. 20, I struggled to see over people’s heads. But I had a clear view of thousands of poster-board signs poking out above the masses.

Messages about women’s reproductive rights, immigration reform and climate change were scribbled on signs in marker and colored pencil. Some signs referenced Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign – reading "I’m With Her" -- as well as "Time’s Up" signs referencing sexual harassment and the #metoo movement.

The occasion was the second Women's March, part of a series of similar events held nationwide on Saturday.

Almost everyone I talked to had participated in last year's Women’s March, an event that included millions of people around the world. One year later, people in Denver were laughing and having fun, but there was also a lot of anger at the Trump administration. 

“I think it’s a demonstration of frustrations, no matter if you’re a man or a woman,” said Gregg Gustafson. 

“Things have got to change. What’s going on now in the White House, it’s just so nasty and horrible,” said Sandra Cordova, a self-described "former loyal Republican." 

For some people I interviewed, going to these marches is how they get involved. Others said they give money to groups they support. 

A lot are getting energized politically. 

Credit Leigh Patterson / KUNC
Ten-year-old Charlotte (second from the right) from Aurora, Colo. says she's really looking forward to being able to vote in eight years.

“The thing that has changed for me that for all of my life, I’ve come out and voted,” said Cordova. “But now I’m doing everything in-between the vote, which is calling, writing my representatives, getting involved. And before it was just a vote!” 

I asked 10-year-old Charlotte from Aurora why she came to the march. Her response: 

“To support women’s rights and just trying to make the world a better place.” 

“When you think about a future society that’s better, what do you think of?” I asked. 

“That more women are going to be running for president or senator,” said Charlotte. 

For the Women’s March organizers, Charlotte's focus on elections is the idea. They put together a series of post-march meet-ups the weekend of the march -- and the following weekend -- in Front Range towns to help people get involved before the November midterm elections.

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