The first three years of a child's life are the most important to their development, according to a new, national report ranking how well states are…
Officials with the national nonprofit Artspace say there is a substantial need for affordable housing and studio space for Fort Collins artists.But what…
A Colorado Division of Housing 2014 first quarter report [.pdf] found that rents in many Front Range cities hit an all time high, with rents in the…
September’s floods have increased the pressure on an already-tight rental housing market along Colorado’s Front Range. Even before the disaster forced…
There were 4,571 foreclosure filings during the first quarter of this year compared to 7,785 during the first quarter of 2012. That’s a 41 percent…
The latest report from foreclosure monitoring firm Realty Trac shows nationwide, overall foreclosure activity dipped slightly in February. And the trend…
Foreclosure filings in Colorado inched up in February. But state housing officials aren’t sounding the alarm over the uptick just yet.Foreclosure activity…
Foreclosure activity in Colorado hit a five-year low during the first month of this year—although state officials say the housing market is not out of the…
New data from the Colorado Division of Housing shows foreclosure filings and sales at auction dropped significantly in the first half of the year.…
State housing officials say median rents in the Denver metro area are rising slightly, as apartment vacancies drop to a new ten-year low. The apartment…