A Democratic co-sponsor has dropped his support for Senate Bill 3, and debate has been postponed to negotiate with a skeptical Gov. Jared Polis.
Democrats are targeting one firearm feature they say makes the most difference in mass shootings. But in doing so, they would take many guns sold in Colorado off shelves.
House Bill 25-1133 is promoted as a way to align the rules for ammunition sales in Colorado with the new law prohibiting anyone younger than 21 from purchasing a gun
Four states have set up procedures for people to restrict sales of guns to themselves voluntarily.
Senate Bill 3 is aimed at making it harder for people to violate the state’s 15-round magazine limit. But the gun industry warns that it would also have a major effect on their business and that it presents safety and liability issues.
During his campaign for Nevada governor, then-sheriff Joe Lombardo downplayed the number of ghost guns recovered by police. Now, Democrats are planning a third attempt to ban the untraceable weapons.
During his campaign for governor, then-Sheriff Joe Lombardo claimed the Las Vegas police department he led seized just six “ghost guns” in one year. But officers actually seized 252 of the weapons during that time.
A new report examining gun safety across the country shows that levels in the Mountain West region vary widely.
Colorado, Washington, Louisiana, and other states have implemented some version of a safe firearm storage map or public messaging campaign encouraging people to store firearms outside the home while at increased risk for suicide.
The Broomfield-based company Biofire has produced a gun that can only be used by someone with the right fingerprint or face scan. Experts have differing visions of what a post-smart gun world might look like.