Last year, Congress and President Obama passed a law providing insurance coverage for abortion for military women in the case of rape or incest. Will the Peace Corps inspire a similar truce on the same issue?
Many American doctors are nurses are helping to build medical schools abroad, as funding agencies push for this collaborative style of philanthropy. Even former President Clinton is getting involved. He's launched a $15 million initiative to revamp Rwanda's health care system.
University of Colorado-Boulder, the University of Denver, and Colorado State University rank among the top volunteer-producing schools for the Peace Corps…
The Fort Collins-Loveland area was the leading producer of Peace Corps volunteers per capita, in 2012, with 14.7 per 100,000 residents.2012 Top Ten…
Vanessa Kerry, a daughter of Sen. John Kerry, has created a nonprofit to partner with the Peace Corps and send doctors and nurses abroad — and pay off part of the volunteers' school loans in return.
Travel writer Paul Theroux's latest novel, The Lower River, is about a former Peace Corps volunteer who returns to Malawi years later and finds the village he left much changed. Host Rachel Martin talks with author.
The University of Colorado in Boulder was recently voted the nation's top party school, but today the administration had a far more illustrious title to…
For the first time in its history, the University of Colorado in Boulder has more graduates serving in the Peace Corps than any other large college or…