NPR for Northern Colorado

CSU STEM Center Increases Statewide Science Outreach

Brian Jones works with students as part of Little Shop of Physics outreach. More such outreach efforts will be made through the STEM Center.
Colorado State University

A new center has been created at Colorado State University.  The aim is to strengthen science and mathematics outreach for teachers and the community.

CSU currently trains more state residents in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, disciplines than any other campus in Colorado.  To capitalize on that distinction, a new STEM center has been started.  That center will work with the campus, k-12 schools and the community to bring more attention to the sciences. 

“Going back to our land grant mission, we serve the state. So right now we’re starting to form partnerships with a parent’s group that is trying to work in one of the mountain communities that is saying, ‘we don’t have enough STEM in our high school, we just want to help the school district.’ So they came to us and asked how they might share resources,” says CSU’s Associate Dean in the College of Engineering and STEM Center Director, Tom Siller.

The center will serve as a point of contact for integrating and coordinating CSU’s STEM activities across campus.  In addition, it will create partnerships with businesses, government agencies and workforce centers.  Siller says STEM disciplines are becoming more important as the U.S. strives to keep up with a growing and changing world economy.

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