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William, Kate Joined In Matrimony At Abbey


We turn, now, to someone who wasn't in London, but was watching from her home in Columbus, Ohio. Cindy Lytle, told us earlier this morning, about how she had decorated for friends joining her to watch the morning's big event and is joining us on the line, right now. Good morning.


MONTAGNE: So, how did you like it?

Ms. LYTLE: Well, we're rewinding it right now and playing it again. We liked it so well the first time, we're watching it again.

MONTAGNE: And how many of you are there, there?

Ms. LYTLE: I think there're about 10 of us.

MONTAGNE: So you had to get up pretty early, this being the U.S. Of course, you're in Ohio not so bad.

Ms. LYTLE: Right. And it depends on how many times you want to watch it. With the benefit of DVR, you can watch it over and over and over.

MONTAGNE: What did you think of what was to be the big moment of this wedding the big secret, at any rate, in the traditional sense the dress?

Ms. LYTLE: Oh, the big moment and what did we think of the dress. Ladies, what did we think of the dress?

Unidentified women: (Unintelligible)

Ms. LYTLE: Gorgeous. Absolutely amazing. Beautiful.

CHRISTINE(ph): The British do know how to do detail.

(Soundbite of laughter)

MONTAGNE: Now, is that a friend of yours getting on the phone?

Ms. LYTLE: That is. I'll put her on.

CHRISTINE: Oh, good morning.

MONTAGNE: Good morning. Tell us your name.

CHRISTINE: I'm Christine. I've known Cindy since were seventh grade. And we wore British Oxford tie shoes but not today, she's dressed royally.

MONTAGNE: Dressed royally. Tell us what she looks like.

CHRISTINE: Oh, she's beautiful. She's got this gorgeous fuchsia pink dress, down to the ankle, ballerina-length; and a very crocheted shawl; and then these floral prints apron, because she's still serving Champagne mimosas.

MONTAGNE: My goodness, I'm taking it that you all are having the day off, as they are all over Great Britain today.

CHRISTINE: Yes, we are.

MONTAGNE: If you're starting with mimosas, may I ask (unintelligible) back on the phone.


MONTAGNE: Hi, Cindy.

Ms. LYTLE: Yeah?

MONTAGNE: Now, you know, the big moment has come and gone; are you going to be, you said, rewinding it, re-watching that moment, rather whatever is left to happen this morning?

Ms. LYTLE: Oh, we'll just probably watch it all, all day. We have enough food here, that they can stay 'til supper time.

MONTAGNE: And you're serving you're serving what passes for British food.

Ms. LYTLE: We're serving toad-in-the-hole...

MONTAGNE: Toad-in-the-hole...

Ms. LYTLE: Toad-in-the-hole. And scones. And baked porridge. And wedding cake.

MONTAGNE: And toad-in-the-hole, for the uninitiated, is?

Ms. LYTLE: Toad-in-the-hole is, um, a piece of toast grilled with a hole cut out of the bread with a shot glass, and an egg put in there.


Ms. LYTLE: And um, and just sort of, um, cooked up sort of like a grilled cheese sandwich. And you can put tomato on it, or cheese.

MONTAGNE: OK, well it sounds like something good for the morning.

Ms. LYTLE: Yes.

MONTAGNE: You you told us earlier this morning, that your husband planned to wake up at his regular time, and possibly miss the wedding.

Ms. LYTLE: Yes.


Ms. LYTLE: He's still in bed.

(Soundbite of laughter)

MONTAGNE: Thank you very much for speaking to us. And you guys have fun.

Ms. LYTLE: Bye bye. Cheerio.

Unidentified women: Cheerio. Cheerio. Cheerio.

MONTAGNE: Cindy Lytle, speaking to us from her home, which has been transformed, this morning, into a royal wedding viewing party in Columbus, Ohio. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

Philip Reeves is an award-winning international correspondent covering South America. Previously, he served as NPR's correspondent covering Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India.