Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney used his New Hampshire primary victory speech to attack President Obama — with only a glancing nod to his Republican rivals.
"President Obama wants to put free enterprise on trial. And in the last few days, we have seen some desperate Republicans join forces with him. This is such a mistake for our party and for our nation," said Romney, speaking to supporters in Manchester.
Romney is facing renewed questions about Bain Capital, his former private-equity firm, and wasn't helped by his own statement while campaigning on Monday — "I like being able to fire people" — which gained so much attention.
Romney called President Obama a "failed president" who ran on "lofty promises."
"The president has run out of ideas. Now he's running out of excuses," said Romney, to applause. "Tonight we celebrate. Tomorrow, we go back to work."
On Wednesday, Romney was scheduled to campaign in South Carolina, which holds its primary Jan. 21.
PBS NewsHour was posting all of the candidates' primary night speeches.
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