The listening device was found last month, says Ecuador's foreign minister, Ricardo Patiño. He called the incident another example of a deterioration of ethics on an international level.
Edward Snowden's remarks mark the first time he's broken his silence since he fled to Moscow eight days ago. They come the same day Russian immigration officials say he applied for political asylum in the country.
Edward Snowden has admitted giving information about National Security Agency programs to The Guardian and The Washington Post. He's thought to be at the international airport in Moscow and to be seeking sanctuary in another country, perhaps Ecuador.
Ecuador says the U.S. refuses to extradite two bankers who allegedly embezzled millions from a bailout. Officials keep referring to their request in relation to the Edward Snowden case.
President Obama also said he would not "scramble jets to get a 29-year-old hacker." Ecuador, meanwhile, said it would not negotiate with its principles.
A pristine rainforest in Ecuador sits on top of the equivalent of millions of barrels of oil. Ecuador has offered a deal to the rich countries of the world: Pay us billions of dollars, and we'll leave the rainforest untouched.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is expected to make a public appearance Sunday, from the safety of the Ecuadoran embassy in London.
Ecuador granted asylum to Julian Assange this week, but Britain says it still intends to arrest the WikiLeaks chief the moment he steps out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London and extradite him to Sweden for questioning about alleged sexual assaults. Weekend Edition Saturday host Scott Simon has one way he could get out — via diplomatic mail.
As the WikiLeaks founder remains holed up in Ecuador's London embassy, theories are emerging about how British police might get to him — and how he might be able to avoid arrest and get out of the country.
The government of Ecuador on Thursday granted asylum to Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. Assange has been holed up at Ecuador's embassy in London for two months while the British government has demanded that he be handed over. He faces questioning in Sweden for alleged sexual misconduct.