Ever since her vote against legislation to mandate background checks for all gun sales, New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte has seen her poll numbers slip. This week, the Republican met protesters as she made her way around the state.
The nation's gun debate seems to be settling on New Hampshire, where first-term Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte is facing daily questions about her vote against expanded criminal background checks for gun buyers.
A pro-gun control superPAC started by former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, onetime astronaut Mark Kelly, launched radio ads against Republican Sens. Mitch McConnell and Kelly Ayotte for voting against bipartisan background check legislation.
That means there will be only one carrier in the Gulf. For the past several years, the Pentagon has tried to maintain an overlap of two carriers because of regional tensions.
For many Americans, New Hampshire freshman Sen. Kelly Ayotte is a brand-new face. But she campaigned this year with presidential candidate Mitt Romney and was mentioned as a possible running mate. Now, she has joined veteran Republican senators in raising questions about U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.
History suggests that Susan Rice will be confirmed, if nominated for secretary of state. But some Republicans may be focusing on her statements about Benghazi to discredit the Obama administration. Here's a look at that possibility, and what else might be part of the Capitol Hill wrangling.
That Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire is even being considered as Mitt Romney's running mate is somewhat remarkable. Her state has just four electoral votes, and Ayotte has been a U.S. senator for less than two years. But as Romney nears his choice, Ayotte remains in the discussion.