On the first leg of his Asian tour, the president stopped by the iconic sushi restaurant .David Gelb, who directed a documentary about the restaurant, says eating there is amazing and nerve-wracking.
It's no surprise that Democrats are pushing the equal pay issue: It's a political winner among women. But the economics behind the current inequity and the challenges of righting it are complicated.
The Affordable Care Act's poll numbers may rise now that seven million more Americans have a stake in its survival. Yet even a small number of people can still make trouble for the law.
After a horrendous October rollout, the ACA is viewed a little more favorably now. But the number of people who intensely oppose the law is 12 percentage points higher than those who strongly back it.
Colorado Democratic Senator Mark Udall is praising President Obama’s plan to end the National Security Agency’s bulk data collection of American’s phone…
President Barak Obama signed the new farm bill into law Friday at Michigan State University in East Lansing, ending years of negotiations and…
The U.S. Senate passed the farm bill Tuesday by a vote of 68-32, sending it to the president’s desk and ending years of political wrangling.The…
ANALYSIS: The president was brisk and confident during Tuesday night's State of the Union address. He also managed to avoid a remarkable array of issues that could have proved problematic. But he hasn't been nearly as adept at the less-dramatic business of dealing with Congress and the media.
Much of what was in President Obama's fifth State of the Union address was signaled in the days leading into the speech. Even so, there were a few revealing moments.
After a long spell of partisan trench warfare and gridlock, President Obama called for "a year of action" Tuesday. The changes he pitched were relatively modest, but he promised to move forward with or without the help of Congress.