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RMNP Campground to Open Friday Despite 30% Containment on Fern Lake Fire

Rocky Mountain National Park

After strong winds increased fire behavior earlier this week, the 630-acre Fern Lake Fire is “stabilizing” in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Spokesperson Julie Johndreau says despite the fire’s 30 percent containment, conditions are safe enough to allow Moraine Park Campground to open Friday at 12 p.m.

“It’s not out, it’s still an active fire, but we’re doing everything we can. We’ve secured the area and the campground can be opened,” she said.

A closure of trails in the Fern Lake Wildfire area still remains in effect--including Cub Lake Trail, Fern Lake Trail, Hollowell Park Trail, Bierstadt Trail, Bear Lake to Fern Lake Trail, and all trails south of Trail Ridge Road, including Ute Trail. Closures will be reassessed later this weekend.

About 50 personnel are currently working on the wildfire. But Johndreau  said crews are finding dangerous territory inside the burn zone due to standing dead trees.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

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