After a decade of pressure from schools, parents and public health officials, teenagers do seem to be doing a wee bit better when it comes to eating fruits and vegetables and cutting back on sugary drinks. But they've got a long way to go to be considered healthy eaters.
Ernest Gagnon, who once weighed 570 pounds, chose an unusual way to lose weight. Instead of surgery, he decided to take up cyclocross. He lost more than 200 pounds, and now he's even racing.
Weight loss surgeries are growing in popularity, but many patients still want to dine at restaurants after their procedure. Surgeons who perform the surgery distribute special cards that allow the patients to get smaller portions or discounted prices. But could this halt their weight loss?
Michelle Obama's new signature public issue is to give support to U.S. military veterans and their families. In an interview with host Michel Martin, the first lady discusses that plan, as well as two issues in the news: the Trayvon Martin killing, and Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen's statements about Ann Romney.
Check out the latest County Health Rankings to see, among other things, which areas have the highest and lowest rates of education and income levels, as well access to medical care and healthful foods.
The number of obese Colorado adults jumped from 19 to 22 percent in just one year, according to the Colorado Health Report Card released Thursday.Colorado…
The leanest state in the nation has set a new, unsettling record.For the first time, more than one in five Coloradans is obese, according to a new report…
For many students at Wellspring Academy in N.C., two months at this weight-loss boarding school have transformed them. Those who trailed behind their parents to check in back in August now own the campus. Kids who had watched from the sidelines while others exercised have turned into exercisers.
In a nation where child obesity rates are soaring, some parents are turning to a boarding school that focuses on both weight loss and academics. The goal: to rewire students' eating and exercise habits to ensure they live long and healthy lives. The kids find it a challenge — but totally worth it.
Are you size 4? A 6? An 8? Often women don't know — and can actually be all those sizes without gaining or losing an ounce. A clothing size and fit consulting firm works with brands to expand the number of people it can dress by focusing on not only size numbers but also body shapes.