Restore Our Future, the pro-Mitt Romney Super PAC is spending $4 million on its first general election television ads in 9 swing states, including $299,000 in Colorado. The other states include Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Nevada, Virginia and New Hampshire.
The group’s latest ad was actually first aired last December before the Iowa caucus and the start of primary season.
Restore Our Future has been off the airwaves for a few weeks since spending more than $35 million on T.V. ads during the Republican primary. The Super PAC’s youtube channel has removed the biting ads it used during the primary season to defeat Newt Gingrich, who officially suspended his bid for President.
Meanwhile the reelection campaign for President Obama has bought air time in Ohio, Iowa and Virginia totaling over $830,000 for ads to run from May 1st to May 7th, as reported by Politico.
Ads for the president began airing in other battleground states including Colorado in early April as reported by KUNC.