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The 2012 nomination convention for Republican Party will be held in Tampa, FL from August 27th - 30th. KUNC will be following the events along with The Colorado Statesman and NPR News. The Colorado Statesman is on site in Tampa, you can follow Ernest Luning on Twitter @eluning.

As The Campaigns Shift Into High Gear, All 4 Convention Speeches In One Place


Now that the conventions are over, expect the campaigning to increase as the election is only 60 days away now.

Both campaigns have have said that this year offers a clear choice, we've collected all four candidate convention speeches here so you can compare and contrast.

Presidential Candidates:

President Barack Obama

Mitt Romneyhttp://youtu.be/dYQDHChcABA

Vice Presidential Candidates:

Vice President Joe Biden

Paul Ryanhttp://youtu.be/gwI05x5rmqI

I’m not a Colorado native (did you know that "I'm from Missouri" means "I'm skeptical of the matter and not easily convinced?") but I have lived here for most of my life and couldn't imagine leaving. After graduating from Colorado State University, I did what everyone wants to do; I moved to the mountains and skied, hiked, and hid from responsibility! Our listeners in the mountains may know me from my time in Steamboat Springs and Vail or as the voice of the Battle Mountain Huskies Hockey team in Vail.
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