McDonald's may seem to be everywhere, but there are still 105 countries without the fast food giant, from Ghana to Jamaica to Yemen to Tajikistan. In six countries, McDonald's once had a presence, but due to economics, and sometimes politics, the franchises closed.
Despite reports to the contrary, the global quinoa boom has not put the superfood out of reach for the people in Bolivia and Peru who grow it — though it has raised prices. And these farmers want consumers to know that overall, the world's love affair with quinoa is raising their standard of living.
The leaders of Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua have said they're willing to give asylum to the "NSA leaker." He's been lingering in legal limbo at an airport in Russia for nearly two weeks. If he tries to get to Latin America, he may need an OK from Cuba to stop there.
As President Evo Morales returns home, Latin American governments express their outrage over his plane's forced diversion. Argentine President Cristina Kirchner calls it "vestiges of a colonialism that we thought were long over."