The comment period just opened for the proposal to keep grizzlies in the Northern Rockies classified as “threatened” — with some tweaks to how they are managed.
Environmentalists are applauding the much-anticipated decision from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, but there is a catch.
As grizzlies move beyond the boundaries of the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem and create conflict, Montana seeks full management authority.
The Montana Legislature has passed a bill that would loosen regulations around killing grizzlies in Montana, and it's headed to the governor's desk. It's already legal in Montana to kill a grizzly in self-defense or if the bear is "in the act" of killing livestock. The new bill would allow a grizzly to be harmed or killed if a bear is "threatening" livestock.
Typically, grizzly bears give birth to single or twin cubs. But Grizzly 399 is not a typical bear. She's given birth to multiple sets of triplets. And...
New federal guidelines say it's OK to haze a grizzly bear-even with a paintball gun.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife service has reinstated Endangered Species Act protections for grizzly bears living near Yellowstone National Park.
A group of wildlife advocates is suing the federal government, saying they need to have more of a role in helping to prevent grizzly bear deaths on...
The grizzly bear is an iconic species to many Native American tribes, and now a bill introduced in Congress would require tribes be included in their...
A coalition of conservationists is petitioning Idaho and Wyoming to make hunters carry bear spray when they’re within the Yellowstone ecosystem.