The University of Colorado Boulder is a step closer to becoming the new headquarters for one of the world’s largest solar research facilities.
The National Solar Observatory is the nation’s top ground-based scientific program studying solar physics and space weather. Of six institutions competing to be the NSO’s new home, CU Boulder and the University of Alabama-Huntsville have been selected as finalists.
“The University boasts significant strengths in solar research,” says Boulder County Business Report Publisher Chris Wood. “And the presence of atmospheric and energy research laboratories in Boulder and Golden should create some synergies with the observatory.”
The current NSO offices are split between Tucson, Arizona and Sunspot, New Mexico. The new, consolidated headquarters would serve as the primary science, instrument development and data analysis site. If CU is chosen Wood says it would bring about 60 high paying jobs to the Boulder area and may help attract similar research facilities in the future.
A final decision could come as early as next month.