Colorado’s Department of Transportation is looking for your opinions and thoughts. They want to know the public’s priorities for transportation statewide and in their communities as they develop a future transportation plan.
In fact, CDOT has extended a survey deadline through Dec. 31 so those interested can weigh in on how the agency should move forward.
“The public response on how they’d like to see us invest in the future of our transportation system is very encouraging,” said CDOT Executive Director Don Hunt in a released statement. “That’s why we’re extending the deadline. Since the plan guides us on how we should invest our limited transportation budget, it’s essential that we hear from as many people as possible as we move forward to improve our infrastructure, enhance our economy and, in turn, improve our way of life.”
CDOT spokeswoman Amy Ford says the agency is looking for feedback on things like rural road safety, multi-modal choices and possible areas of congestion. It will all be part of the state’s transportation story.
And CDOT is adding their two cents as well, highlighting its concerns for the future - including a flat rate gas tax that’s not increased since 1993 – in a new video.
While recent studies suggest Coloradans are driving less, the state demographer says the actual population of the state will increase by over 50 percent by 2040; something CDOT says must be taken into account when developing a statewide plan.
CDOT’s plan will focus on statewide transportation needs both 10 and 25 years into the future.