Here it is, everyone — the thing you didn't know you were waiting for all day: a snowy owl, calmly riding a chunk of ice.
Gary Cranfield recorded the video last weekend while he was out on a walk with his girlfriend, Betsy Waterman, along Lake Ontario near Oswego, N.Y.
"There are usually sightings this time of year and historically there have been snowy owls in this place for years and we decided to check it out," Cranfield, 69, told
You can watch the results of that wintry expedition above. And for those of you out there worrying, Waterman assures us the bird was not stuck — they watched it chill for 30(!) minutes on the floe before it flew away to another one.
A humble recommendation from this reporter: It doesn't sound too bad on loop with some light piano or — and hear me out here — a little tasteful Enya.
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