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DeGette Speaks out Against Mississippi “Personhood” Measure, Mitt Romney

Colorado voters have twice rejected measures to define “personhood” – and now voters in Mississippi will have their say. An initiative on next week’s ballot would, if approved, define personhood from the moment of conception and all rights afforded under the state’s constitution would apply.

Congresswoman Dianna DeGette (D-Denver) today weighed in on the debate. “This is an extreme amendment, it’s very dangerous,” she said while also taking a swipe at GOP Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney. “And it’s just really disappointing that Mitt Romney has decided to try to appeal to the far far right by endorsing this deceptive amendment.”

DeGette says Romney is pandering to evangelical voters and Tea party supporters. The group Personhood USA is behind the Mississippi initiative which Romney has come out in favor of. He’s also said he would support a constitutional amendment defining personhood at the moment of conception.

Email: brian.larson@kunc.org