The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently announced that measles cases around the world increased by 31…
The Union of Concerned Scientists released a report this week saying that the Department of Agriculture has "sidelined science" and "betrayed farmers.”…
Taxes on sugary drinks, the current cause célèbre in public health circles, are enjoying a moment in the spotlight this voting season. At least four…
Farmers count on chemical herbicides to keep their fields weed-free. In the last few months though, scientists brought together by the International…
About 150 million people worldwide have hepatitis C, and all should be assessed and treated, the World Health Organization says. The cost of screening and drugs means that won't happen soon.
In Guinea, an aggressive strain of the virus has claimed over 100 lives and invaded the capital city. But while it may take months to contain the outbreak, there already are survivors.
All the medical care in the world won't help if you don't know how to persuade the locals to take proper precautions.
The University of Colorado Boulder has created a solar-powered toilet that will soon be unveiled in India. Yes, a solar-powered toilet. While a toilet…
As horrific as Haiyan has been, the disaster likely won't reach the same level of death and injury as the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 or Haiti's 2010 quake, disaster specialists say. Better communication systems in the disaster area are one reason why.
The number of polio cases globally sank to an all-time low in 2012. But outbreaks in Syria and Somalia this year are jeopardizing efforts to eradicate the virus. A recent visit to the Somali-Ethiopian border highlights just how easily polio can regain a foothold in rural, insecure communities.