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Dylan Simard

Reporter, Mountain West Bureau

Email: dylan.simard@kunc.org

As a reporter and backup host, my days are spent either gathering news in the field or in the station behind a microphone on an as-needed basis. I believe that Public Radio newsrooms are the best in the business, and it’s an honor to report for CRNC. I also believe that the best storytelling happens live on the air – so for me, having a dual role is a dream come true.

Before coming to CRNC, I was a reporter and host for KMXT in Kodiak, Alaska, a public radio station on the second-largest island in the United States. Before that, I reported for Cronkite News and Arizona PBS in Phoenix.

In Alaska my reporting won statewide awards for stories on local history and sports, and in Phoenix I won first place for an audio educational program for a podcast on urban heat islands titled “50 Grades of Shade.”

When I’m not at work, I can usually be found reading, tinkering with my computer, or cooking something tasty.