Some advocated for the federal government to fully fund various Indigenous health services and others called for border policies that would stop the flow of drugs into these communities.
The two states, Nebraska and Oklahoma, began legal proceedings months after Colorado began allowing marijuana dispensaries to start selling pot for recreational use at the start of 2014.
Electricity pricing for your home has been relatively straightforward. The more you use, the more you pay. That simple equation is no longer so simple.…
The U.S. oil and gas industry was shocked by the sudden death of Aubrey McClendon. The former CEO of Chesapeake Energy, a major producer now floundering…
June is the start of outdoor recreation season for many Coloradans, and it also marks the start of the peak season for powerful storms and lightning.…
The U.S. Geological Survey issues a report Thursday on quakes linked to oil and gas drilling, but Oklahoma has said that the industry's wastewater disposal is the cause. What's unknown is a solution.
When the truck bomb exploded at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995, there were 21 children in the building's day care. Six survived, including Chris Nguyen and PJ Allen.
Scientists with the University of Colorado Boulder and the U.S. Geological Survey are calling for changes in monitoring and addressing human-caused…
Big-energy states are hoping the cheap oil is just a blip. In Oklahoma, the head of a catering firm delivering food to oil field workers worries that "$40-a-barrel oil? It's going to shut everything."
Two of Colorado’s neighboring states are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down the state’s recreational marijuana laws. Attorneys General for…