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Colorado’s Key Voting Blocs: Suburbanite Women

Coloradans will once again play a pivotal role in the presidential election, female voters in particular. Both President Obama and Mitt Romney see suburbanite women between the ages of 30 and 50 as critical to their victory in Colorado and other states like Nevada and Virginia.

KUNC’s Brian Larson spoke to Colorado StatesmanPublisher Jody Hope Strogoff about the all important female vote.

Audio clips for this story were recorded by WNYC for their national poltical site It's A Free Country.

Email: brian.larson@kunc.org
Jody Hope Strogoff is the editor and publisher of The Colorado Statesman. The Statesman is a non-partisan political weekly newspaper, founded in 1898. Jody began working at the newspaper in the late 1970s, later purchasing the publication in 1988. She discusses the state’s political scene each Tuesday at 6:35 and 8:35 during KUNC’s Morning Edition.
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